Shotgun Wing T

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Meet our Speakers

We've gathered some of the top experts in the field to discuss this topic. With years of experience between them, they're well-equipped to offer invaluable insights and perspectives.

Michael Fields

Michael Fields

Head Coach, LaGrande Oregon

Blair Hubbard

Blair Hubbard

Head Coach, Broomfield

Denny Molzen

Denny Molzen

Head Coach, Castro Valley, CA

Danny Norris

Danny Norris

Head, Gilbert Christian, AZ

Heath Saint

Heath Saint

Offensive Coordinator, Cullman AL

Kenny Simpson

Kenny Simpson

Head Coach, Southside Highschool

Rick Stewart

Rick Stewart

Pistol Wing T, All Access Coaching

Lee White

Lee White

Smoke & Mirrors RPO Gun T System, Smoke and Mirrors Wing-T


Adjusting Your Offense to Fit Your QB - FREE TALK

Rick Stewart Kenny Simpson

Using Your QB as a Runner in Pistol & Shotgun - FREE TALK

Kenny Simpson Rick Stewart

Utilizing a Great Passer in Pistol & Shotgun - FREE TALK

Kenny Simpson Rick Stewart

Making Play Action Work in the Gun T

Kenny Simpson

Using Multiple Formations to Help your Offense

Kenny Simpson

Shotgun Wing T, old school plays in new school ways

Michael Fields

Things Defenses Do to Give GunT Problems

Kenny Simpson

Shotgun Buck and Trap/Influence Trap With QB

Heath Saint

Belly from Both Gun & Pistol

Denny Molzen

Adding Duo & Gut to your WingT Attack

Danny Norris

Running Trap from Shotgun

Blair Hubbard

Sally & Counter from Gun & Pistol

Denny Molzen

Pull C & T on Buck plus other tendency breakers

Lee White

Screens & Shovel Pass off Motions

Blair Hubbard

Wing-T RPOs

Danny Norris

Air Raid in a Wing T Offense

Danny Norris

Fixing Common Blocking Problems

Lee White

Gun Boot Protections & Route Schemes

Blair Hubbard